Compassion: Healing Touch on The Soul and The Mind!
Daily Digest: Exploring Mind, Life & Beyond Let’s talk about the superhero of human connections: compassion. In a world that’s constantly on the move, compassion […]
Daily Digest: Exploring Mind, Life & Beyond Let’s talk about the superhero of human connections: compassion. In a world that’s constantly on the move, compassion […]
Daily Digest: Exploring Mind, Life & Beyond Ever stopped to appreciate the magic of deep breathing? Trust me, it’s not just about the physical stuff […]
Daily Digest: Exploring Mind, Life & Beyond Ever caught yourself daydreaming about the perfect job while overlooking the one you’re in? It’s easy to get […]
Blame is like this tangled web we humans weave, isn’t it? It’s not just a simple finger-pointing game; it’s all mixed up with our thoughts, […]
Life has its twists and turns, and there are two important things that can help us feel better and achieve more – closing chapters and […]
Anxiety is an inherent and widespread aspect of the human experience, yet when it reaches overwhelming levels, disrupting daily life, its impact on mental and […]
What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage both one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. […]
What is Resilience? Resilience is the ability to adapt and bounce back from difficulties, challenges, or adversity. It involves the capacity to recover, learn, and […]
Cord फॉर्म झाल्यामुळे तीव्र भावनिक किंवा मानसिक घटना घडते, जसे की आघातजन्य किंवा वेदनादायक घटना, याचा त्रास तुम्हाला विनाकारण होतो..
तुमच्या आयुष्यात आलेली, तुमच्या सभोवतालची अनेक माणसं, विशिष्ट स्थळं, तसेच दु:खाचे, मानहानीचे, अपमानाचे, आप्तांच्या मृत्युंचे, भीतिदायक, प्रक्षोभक, अटीतटीचे..
त्यांच्या मनात अस्वस्थतेचा आगडोंब उसळला. त्यांना या कृतीचे (तरुणीला पाण्यातून उचलून नेण्याची कृती) खूप आश्चर्य वाटु लागले. आपण तर संन्यासी आहोत, ब्रम्हचारी..
मागील जन्मीची अनघाची आई या जन्मीपण आईच आहे; पण या जन्मात अनघाच्या संगोपनात आईकडून दिरंगाई झाल्यामुळे आई व मुलीत कमालीचा विसंवाद होता. मागील जन्मीची सोशिक बाय..
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