7 Common Mistakes Couples Make During Arguments

Escalating the Conflict

Allowing emotions to escalate and intensify the argument, leads to hurtful words and actions. Which can't be reversed by apologies.

Interrupting or Invalidating

Interrupting your partner, dismissing their feelings, or invalidating their perspective can escalate tensions and hinder resolution.

Bringing up Past Grievances

Repeating past grievances or unrelated past issues during arguments distracts from the current conflict and prevents resolution.

Lack of Active Listening

Failing to actively listen to your partner's perspective or focusing solely on making your own point can lead to misunderstanding and resentment.

Defensiveness and Blame

Becoming defensive or placing blame during arguments prevents constructive dialogue and resolution.

Avoiding Vulnerability

Avoiding vulnerability and refusing to express feelings or needs can hinder emotional connection and resolution.

Not Taking a Break When Needed

Failing to recognize when emotions are running high and taking a break from the argument to cool off can lead to further escalation and damage the relationship over the period of time.

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