7 Easy Tips to Boost Your Confidence

1. Do something out of your comfort zone

Tip 1

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• Try & find that activity you've been putting aside since forever. Like making new friends, learning new things, socializing.

2. Change Habits

Tip 2

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• Explore your self depreciating habits and try to change them one at a time. From experience, anyone can change any single habit in 15 to 18 days only.

• Be consistent in that period and don't be disappointed if you relapse. It happens, you're a human after all!

3. Achieve Small Goals

Tip 3

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• Make a list of the goals you want to achieve everyday. Like, making the bed, doing dishes or laundry, organizing your room..

• These may seem ordinary, but will help you gain confidence with the feeling of achievement of the goals.

4. Create a Good Self Image

Tip 4

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• Self Help Affirmations are an easy way to alleviate your confidence.

• Acknowledge & appreciate yourself for completing even smallest goals.

5. Study Your Expertise

Tip 5

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• Even if you're a business owner, an employee or worker, studying your own skills always comes in handy to build your confidence.

• Such practice helps you understand where you're lacking and which attributes of yourself are worth improving.

6. Maintain Eye Contact

Tip 6

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• While interacting with people either casually or professionally, maintaining eye contact and smiling appropriately will build your reputation as trustworthy and likeable.

• Remember, people who maintain eye contact in any conversation are more likely to receive great opportunities at workplace, because it radiates confident personality.

7. Be Grateful

Tip 7

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• At the end of the day, write down 5 things you're grateful for that day.

• This helps you get an insight of the day without judging yourself in harsh ways.