Signs you are on Spiritual Awakening Journey


Have you ever felt that you are the only one who understands your own self? Are you seeing repeated numbers? Do you feel a deep connection with the nature? Do you feel you need some time alone from the Chaos of this world? Then Congratulations! You're on the path of Spiritual Awakening Journey. If you relate to more than 5 signs in the story, then you are on the right path.

1. Things you think about start happening faster and faster

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• You will start achieving your routine goals easily, even if you have failed to do so in the past. • This eventually leads to manifest major life goals easily in your upcoming future.

2. Repeating Numbers: Synchronicity

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• You unlock your phone to find 11:33 on the lock screen, you opened up a random book to page 88, you drove passed a Billboard with 777 number written on it.

3. Needing space from people who do not resonate with your energy

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• As hard as it sounds, it's essential for your soul to get some space from your peers and even loved ones if they're not on the same frequency as you. Don't worry it's a part of the process.

4. Meeting people who are on the same journey as you

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• Remember, everyone's progress is different. fast or slow doesn't matter, just stay on the path & move forward.

• You might find yourself with a group of people who shares similar interests and experiences mentioned in this story. It's a sign that they are also on their spiritual awakening journey.

5. Seeing Synchronicity Everywhere

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• "It's an event where needs are made people are encountered or things just come together perfectly when we need them." Carl Jung.

• Synchronicity represents the process or experiences coming together and forming some sort of meaning.

6. Getting distracted from this new path

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• Stop creating unnecessary patterns. Don't feel miserable when you have been distracted. Instead keep on going without connecting current distractions to past failures.

• You will be sent destructions to get you of your new path. This happens to test your commitment to the journey.

7. Feeling deep connection with Nature

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• That tree you planted in your backyard with your own hands, will grow faster & healthier within your care. Refer to Emoto Masaru's experiment.

• Animals, birds, butterflies come closer to you just because you radiate good vibes.

8. Healthy Eating Habits

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• You might find yourself rejecting harmful fast food items as your soul understands the adverse effects it can have on your healthy body.

• As you're in spiritual awakening journey, your diet will change significantly once you're connected with your soul.

9. Losing the fear of other's opinions about you.

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• As you are on this journey, you start to care less about other's opinion regarding your career, relationships or dressing habits. This helps you make a better future that's beneficial for you & only you.

• This is the best feeling in the world! Once you get to this stage, there's no looking back..

10. Your Spiritual Development will become the most important thing in your life.

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• As you go along this journey, you will feel stable on mental level. You will only pursue this amazing path field with positivity and bright future without a care in the world!